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Walk home in a sentence

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Sentence count:39+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: khomeinigo back homekolkhozayatollah khomeinihome away from homea home from homehome from homewalk
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1, My feet were throbbing after the long walk home.
2, She missed the bus and had to walk home.
3, 'I can walk home.' 'Don't be silly-it's much too far!'
4, I warned you not to walk home alone.
5, Josh resigned himself to the long walk home.
6, I missed the bus and had to walk home.
7, In the last resort we can always walk home.
8, He set out on the long walk home.
9, She doesn't like to walk home late at night.
10, I never walk home alone at night - it's not worth the risk .
11, It was no hardship to walk home on such a lovely evening.
12, She wanted to walk home but I wouldn't hear of it.
13, Now I got to walk home.
14, After the morning service there was a brisk walk home for lunch which had been prepared and cooked on the Saturday.
15, So McCloy greased your palm a bit to walk home with Hatton and catch him unawares.
16, I had to walk home because I didn't have enough money for the fare.
17, Bea was hot and tired from the long walk home.
18, During his long walk home,( home.html) he tried to figure out how to justify a return visit.
19, The brief lull that had cheered my walk home from the Fernhill subway station was over.
20, Most will walk home later, ashamed that their buckets are empty.
21, It's no good waiting here. Lat's walk home.
22, Do not on any account walk home by yourself.
23, When the school day was done we would walk home together.
24, It was cold and raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home.
25, It was cold, raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home.
26, If you don't come now, you can jolly well walk home!
27, Ellie followed me outside with a flashlight she wanted to lend me for the walk home.
28, On my way through town I met Mr Wopsle, and together we started the long walk home to the village.
29, We dusted each other down and then it was time to walk home.
30, "We're out of gas, so I guess you'll have to walk home," he said, giving me a deadpan expression.
More similar words: khomeinigo back homekolkhozayatollah khomeinihome away from homea home from homehome from homewalkcome home to roostwalkie-talkiewalk outwalk offwalkerwalkoutwalkwaywalk upwalk-inwalk-onwalk inwalk-uptill the cows come homeskywalkwalkmanwalkawaywalk awaywalkingwalk downcatwalkjaywalkcome home
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